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Retreat to Peace02-21-24 Awakening the Giants Within: Roz Clark’s Odyssey from Dream Doula to Beacon of Authenticity

Have you ever met someone whose life seemed to be a beacon, guiding others to their true north? Meet Roz Clark, our vibrant guest and dream doula, who has dedicated herself to awakening the sleeping giants within women, helping them birth their dreams into reality. Roz’s journey is an odyssey from singing in the streets of Paris on her 21st birthday, through the valleys of motherhood with a special needs child, to rising as a champion for authenticity. Her story isn’t just about personal triumph; it’s a masterclass on transcending the ordinary, a life painted with the bold strokes of passion and purpose.

Our conversation with Roz takes us through the delicate terrain of human relationships, unraveling the often invisible threads that bind us to the role of rescuer. From vivid childhood memories of sheltering a disadvantaged friend to navigating a stormy marriage, Roz’s reflections serve as a mirror for many of us. But it’s the metamorphosis from protector to empowered guide that truly defines her tale. As Roz opens up about transforming her life’s greatest challenges into a beacon for others, you might just find the keys to unlock your own patterns and step into a life of service that uplifts rather than burdens.

The crescendo of our time with Roz is a heart-to-heart on the essence of personal freedom and inner peace. How often do we wear the mask of success, chasing external validations at the cost of our true selves? Roz’s candid recount of her own epiphanies in this realm acts as a gentle yet firm invitation to embrace the stillness, listen to our inner wisdom, and honor our greatest potential. Join us as we explore these profound insights, and you may discover that the greatest journey you’ll ever embark on is the one that leads you back to your authentic self.

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