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Dr. Roy Lubit board certified Child, Adolescent and Forensic Psychiatrist10-26-23 Dr. Roy Lubit board certified Child, Adolescent and Forensic Psychiatrist

Scarlett and her guest, Dr. Roy Lubit, board certified child, adolescent and forensic psychiatrist, discuss using the Choose Love program for educators to help put lessons into life for a child’s safety, health and well-being. They also talk about identifying a child that needs extra help beyond more attention at home and what support the school can provide for that child. This is especially important for children who have suffered childhood trauma and abuse.

Many victims feel they are to blame and do not speak up to anyone until their adult years or never tell anyone but deal with the trauma themselves. Adults are a symbol of safety and it’s too frightening for a child to think that their source of safety is not protecting them so that shame, blame, guilt goes into adulthood unless it is addressed. Scarlett and Dr. Lubit discuss the importance of being present as parents and educators for our children. Dr. Roy Lubit says, “Improving someone’s social skills and reconnecting with people is as important as trauma focused therapy. The amount of emotional support from people and the depth of the support is important for their future well-being.”

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