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Look for the Good Carrie Rowan04-03-23 Linda Townsend, Founder of Release Well-Being Center

Look for the Good we are talking with special guest Linda Townsend, Founder of Release Well-Being Center about the concept of synchronicity. You know those times in life when you feel really tuned and are really in that flow state. It feels like good things just seem to come to you effortlessly. All the right people, places and events show up in your life in perfect timing. That is the beauty of synchronicity. When you are in alignment with your intentions, the Universe seems to support you and gather all the right components to move you in the direction you want to go quickly and easily!  Tune in as Linda shares her personal stories of this phenomenon as well as some expert advice on what to do when things are not going the way you want them to.

Linda TownsendLinda Townsend, Founder and President of Release Well-Being Center, had a dream – to bring together the many facets of holistic wellness in one location to meet a growing and unfulfilled need in metro west. Linda draws on her extensive background in the corporate environment, as well as her wellness knowledge and experience, to create an ideal “sanctuary” and community where individuals of any age and fitness level can find balance, purpose and well-being. She graduated as Valedictorian when she received her MBA from Northeastern University, has a BA in Journalism from Northeastern University and later received a Graduate Certificate in Executive Coaching from William James College. After starting her career as an investigative newspaper and television journalist, then a marketing and sales executive for several high-tech companies, Linda was recognized for her work in the Young Presidents Organization (YPO), an international organization of more than 9,000 CEOs, for outstanding work coaching CEO peer groups. Trying to balance her career while raising three young children, she became attuned to the importance of consistent self-care (you must put on your own oxygen mask first before you can help others!), which led her to become a certified yoga instructor in 2007 and then an executive and life coach. Linda connected with a team of wellness experts to realize and expand her dream for Release Well-Being Center. Linda lives in Westborough, Massachusetts with her husband and three sons, and remains active in yoga, mindfulness, coaching, reading, gardening and volunteering.

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