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02-06-23 Agrohomeopathy for Healthier Farms and Gardens
Guest Kristina White, Co-founder and Homeopathic Educator, Our Life and Land

Agrohomeopathy applies the natural remedies and protocols of homeopathy to improve the health and vitality of pets, livestock, wildlife and plants.  Many of the founders and teachers of homeopathic medicine were trained physicians well-versed in biblical scripture, where ancient healing wisdom was derived from time-honored experience with natural substances.   Remedies stimulate the natural healing responses of live biological organisms.  An entertaining and revelatory story walk, guided by biblical verse, sets the stage for our discussion of life, land, health and agrohomeopathy.

Kristina WhiteSpecial guest Kristina White is a Homeopathic Educator and Co-founder at Your Life and Land in Rochester, MA.   In Kris’s own words, “Agrohomeopathy is an inexpensive, chemical free, non-toxic method of healing and protecting plants and agricultural resources from pests and disease.”  She articulates the principles of homeopathy and Hering’s Law.  This leads to a practical discussion on individualized treatment for people, animals and plants, which Kris explains through stories and examples drawn from her own practice.

Kris is a best-selling coauthor of Wealth Codes: Sacred Strategies for Abundance. Through her work in natural health, agriculture and over 25+ years as a consultant and educator, Kris’s ongoing goal is to educate people on the benefits of eating real food, the importance of natural health options in the home and the need for each of us to educate ourselves and trust our own abilities and intuition.


Read Wendy’s photoblog to view the Storied Windows and follow the trail of clues –

Support agrohomeopathy research and learn more about it; subscribe to a community membership with Your Life and Land –

Order a Plant & Garden Agro-Kit of homepathic remedies –

Book an assessment or a class at Your Life and Land –

Expand your learning with Homeopathy for Farm and Garden, by Vaikunthanath Das Kaviraj; –

Help protect your access to homeopathy; join Americans for Homepathy Choice

Join the Story Walking Radio Hour group on facebook –

Learn more about Food Forest Abundance –

Learn more at , email or call 401 529-6830. Connect with Wendy to order copies of FiddlesticksThe Angel Heart or Storywalker Wild Plant Magic Cards.

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