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The Outrageous Guide to Being Fully Alive:Ready to step out of old habits and into a vibrant new awareness of your vast potential? In this user-friendly guide, you will learn how to:

    • transform your Inner Critic into an Inner Coach
  • de-hypnotize yourself out of harmful self-trances
  • awaken your joyful intuition and creativity

It is a sign of wisdom when we seek insight into a struggle in a relationship, at work, with our parents or children, or when we face uncertainty about our place in the world.
With characteristic warmth and humor, Jack Elias shares the exercises and techniques that have brought rapid, positive results to people throughout the world, in his workshops and private sessions, and in the Finding True Magic courses in Transpersonal Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy/NLP based on the eponymous book.

Written in collaboration with Ceci Miller, these simple yet profound exercises are grouped according to the most common problems people face in overcoming personal struggles.

Jack was an early student of Zen teacher Suzuki Roshi and Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, and both Jack and Ceci are longtime students of Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche. As co-authors, they bring joy and delight to learning timeless Eastern and Western insights for applying mindfulness and compassion to the noble cause of personal transformation.

Prepare to be surprised, while learning about:

1. Dealing with Expectations, Anxiety, and Stress
2. Anger, Hurt, Loneliness, Shyness, and Feeling like a Failure
3. Befriending Yourself and Other Things Couples Need to Know
4. Mindfulness, Meditation, and Real Happiness
5. Worry and Self-Doubt, Kindness and Confidence
6. Facing Illness, Aging, Death, and the Holidays

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