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10-07-20 Full Transparency Part 2

Can you share a body? No. Jesus says minds are joined bodies do not. You can’t even share a body that starts to loosen up the definition of interpersonal relationships because if you only share a purpose in your mind, then you can’t even share bodies, then you really see how this whole thing is starting to loosen up, because when our bodies accept concrete representations of the belief in private minds and private thoughts. It would make no sense. You know, to talk about a body without a mind. And yet, when you forgive Jesus says you must overlook the body and the mind of your brother. I love how he says that when you forgive you have to overlook not just the body, but the body and the belief in the private mind. You have to overlook the body and the belief in private thoughts. This is how deep this goes, you can’t forgive somebody just by overlooking their body. The Holy Spirit already overlooks the effects, but he says you have to overlook the mind and the body. That’s why when I get all these questions, why did Ramana Maharshi get a tumor or why did Ken Wapnick die of cancer in the eye. The body doesn’t actually have a diagnosis of disease status, why Jesus tells us sickness is of the mind, it’s not about the body, he says don’t ask the Holy Spirit to heal the body why because the body is not sick. It’s the mind, that is believing in private minds and private thoughts, that’s the sick mind. Why, because God didn’t create private thoughts. God doesn’t create private minds. God creates the mind of Christ in the mind of God and its pure spirit and this is nothing to do with secrets or private thoughts. So, when you are to overlook that some people may say, Well, can my next body and Ramana Maharshi his body they weren’t real anyway. Well, neither were their private minds, either. Neither was the mind of Plato, or Socrates neither was the mind of Hitler or Mussolini neither was the mind of Mother Teresa or Saint Francis. You see how radical these teachings are it’s teaching you, that if you’re perceiving the world, a fragmented world. You must believe in a private mind. And that’s the only way you can perceive this fragmentation at the perception of the fragmentation.

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