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Toni Petrinovich – Beginning with the death of her father at age 5, Toni held the space of unity for the family home-mother and younger sister.  (See recent information regarding that death at Sar’h & Anthony John.)  Her early foundation in the world of spirituality was begun in the Catholic Church and continued as a member of the Holy Order of MANS in San Francisco, CA.  She went on to receive her Doctorate Degree in metaphysical counseling from the University of Metaphysics in Los Angeles and was ordained as a minister.  Born with the innate ability to see beyond the physical realm using gifts to empower people to improve their own lives, bring them more in tune with their own truth and the Creative Source.  Since the arrival of the Angelic Human information in 2002, she has been suffused with additional capacity to reach within the portal of consciousness to bring home a new transformation in mankind.  Toni’s workshops and teachings are firmly foundational in the basics of the quantum world.  She brings a layman’s understanding to those who wish to share the mysteries of the universe with her.  Working in the unified field of energy and matter with other beings, helping co-creators to realize that you are indeed one in consciousness with whatever your idea of Source is and showing you how to allow joy, peace and freedom into your life is my greatest love and gift.  Toni is in the deepest gratitude, sharing these blessings, moment to moment, in every day.

Show 04-30-08

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