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What is the gift in this virus? by Simran Singh

I have had many people reach out to me for understanding, peace and response to my thoughts and feelings around the virus. I decided to share this with everyone. If it resonates, let it sink deeply in. If it does not, then let breathe it in and breathe it out and let it go… There are many gifts in this virus… so many that we will not realize them until after it is over. But consider this…

Nature has a way of cleansing and balancing itself. This is the body of life clearing toxins that are floating through minds, hearts and expressions. At the base of all things is a spiritual illness. Just as in the wild, the process of natural selection occurs. This moment feels like nature making space, clearing and balancing. We do not like the idea of dulling, death or winter,… but all of these things support aliveness, life and new spring. Times like these are not for the mind to understand; they are of a cosmic proportion. There is a bigger picture, one we cannot fully fathom.

  • What better way for life to gently and compassionately heal than to physically isolate everyone so they have to be with themselves, hear themselves, see their own lives, words and actions?
  • What greater way to discipline us back to inner connection, that of Source and each other?
  • What more powerful way to illustrate the fine line between reality and illusion, sanity and insanity, the virus and the cure? 
  • What more collective way could life orchestrate shifting our systems and structures from how they used to operate into being social enterprises that collaborate, share and cocreate?
  • What better way to get grown-ups in government, and between countries, to stop bickering and start cooperating.

When did you pray for the world to stop for just a day or a week or a month so you could get caught up, or clear or have a reset? Take what has been given, and watch what you do with it. How you handle this… says a lot about how you handle everything. 

There is innate intelligence moving through all things… even a virus. Trust that. Life is smart enough to use ‘whatever we create’ for our next best step.

Conspiracy theories or not, deep state or darkness, virus from bats or engineered… even these things are utilized in life’s grand and divine plan. There can be no wrong. Only the judgment of such. Be present to your fear, panic, depression, rage, greed, oppression or love, compassion, kindness, heartbreak and hope. Watch how outdated systems are crumbling and new ways of social institutional inclusion are awakening. See the hierarchy of the world flatline so that people stand side by side rather than on a ladder of importance. Feel how the energy of connection births through the mask of our quarantine to help us move through any prior invisible distancing we used through technology, status and cliques to isolate. Parents re spending time with their children because they have been given it. Schooling in traditional institutions is evolving into home-schooling. Generosity and caring is building even despite physical distancing. Life knows how to evolve.

You’ve been given a gift of time… of presence… of space… of devotion. This is a moment to do your work, feel your feelings and clear through your viruses of the mind. It is an opportunity to let go of the resentments and anger that are really little things in the grand scheme of things. Here lay the gift to deepen into yourself and truly connect with your heart and soul… the art of you that has been ignored, abandoned or dismissed. It is the disciplined moment to look at how we contribute to the worlds ills in big and small ways.

I am sending this right before the new moon (occurring on 3/23/20). This is a very powerful new moon because it energetically operates like a full moon. It is a moon designed to open us to the closures that must be initiated. It is a doorway (on an 11 day) to allow each one of us a chance to ‘reset’ our life experience an our interlocking piece in the collective puzzle of life. Watch how you can ‘be the change in the world you wish to see’ from your couch… your living room… your heart space. When chaos is present… the best thing to do is to ‘do more nothing’. Your presence to all that is stirring within you is enough. Your presence is enough. 

Life is using loving discipline to guide its children. Life is parenting us… we all just got put in ‘timeout’… and we must sit in our corners and think about what we’ve done to create the world we live in. What we do next has the potential to create the heaven on earth we all dream of.

If you need support in how to deepen and feel through the discomfort, anxiety, fear or emption… there are plenty of FREE tools on my website. Magazine archives are there digitally that hold insight, information, prayers, intentions and forgiveness pages.

And get my FREE Inspired Living Journal to be prompted into your own thoughts, feelings and dreams >>> 

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For almost 3 years on Friday at 8am & 8pmET,  Simran has graced our airwaves with her 11:11 Talk Radio , part of Evolutionary Voices for the Quantum Age Platform on syndicated Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network. Learn more here:


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