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12-05-18  Mindfulness in Menopause, Over the Holidays, and in Everyday LIFE!

Clarissa Hughes, mindfulness coach, is the owner and founder of The Little Breathing Space. She became a coach after a decades-long career in the corporate world that taught her much about the challenges of living mindfully and staying true to her values and purpose. She is the author of “The Mindful Menopause: The Secret to Balance, Vitality and Clarity Through the Change”. And the host of “A Little Breathing Space” podcast. She is passionate about sharing the path of mindfulness and compassion which have been, and continues to be, the most transformative path for staying calm, awake, alive and aligned with what truly matters in our lives.

The mission of The Little Breathing Space, Clarissa’s business, is to go beyond mindfulness as a meditation practice and to work with clients to find practical ways to live mindfully, and to find what she likes to call the M.I.D.L way (mindfulness in daily life) where we live a balanced life between calm and energy, with inner resilience to cope with life’s inevitable challenges and with greater self-compassion.

The Little Breathing Space has a working partnership with Thrive, a UK based mental health app with more 1 million downloads. She is also a consultant to an online psychology service for businesses in Sweden and the US and an advisor to Women in Research (WiRe) a global organization for women working the market research industry.

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