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Did you know that 42% of Americans are expected to have cancer by 2025? Almost every American is touched by the epidemic of cancer, yet we spend more than the entire continent of Europe on cancer care and have over 700,000 more deaths per year than they do! The reason for this is that our American medical system is based on the prevention of death from cancer rather than prevention of cancer.

Dr. Riobé proves why early diagnosis of cancer to prevent death is no longer acceptable. With over 15 years of experience, she has developed a ground-breaking integrative fusion technique that provides a dynamic approach that is effective, safe, and prevents and treats diseases, including cancer, by addressing their root causes.

• Learn why and how cancer is really preventable.
• Find out why your visit with the doctor never seems to reveal the causes of your chronic symptoms and doesn’t prevent cancer.
• Debunk common myths about cancer prevention and treatment and learn effective approaches that are not practiced by conventional doctors.
• Understand your body’s self-correcting mechanisms and how they lead to early symptoms and warning signs of cancer.
• Learn to effectively treat these early symptoms and signs with natural, safe, effective therapies.

The Answer to Cancer makes sense out of the chaos that is the American cancer crisis and provides the path to prevention and effective treatment of cancer based on the sound scientific evidence of TCM and functional medicine.

Join Dr. Riobé in ending an epidemic!

Purchase The Answer to Cancer here

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