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Sex, Trauma and Conjunctio is currently being prepared for its third printing. This book will be available shortly.

Real love from an Archetypal perspective is energy, like electricity. We feel it, we plug in, we feel it for the day, for the flower, for our fellow humans, for our spouses, for our children. For everything. It is simply love. With the love can come pain, joy, sadness, regret, passion, veracity, integrity, clarity, discernment, focus, sometimes fear in the awe sense of fear.

This love does not have an object. It is a priori – it existed before time and it has always been here, like essence. It is an aspect of essence, but it is essence of the primalcy, the passion, the yearning, the need, the want, the conjunctio, the receiving, the clarity, the accepting, the being loved, the love and being loved by the Beloved, the love that comes from being loved, the love that come from loving the Beloved.

The love is the beginning and the end. We can feel it when we are the soul of our selves, when we are the child self, when we know who begat us, when we know who we are in relationship with the Divine, when we have that relationship, when we are infused with that love. For the soul’s purpose is to be the vessel to receive the love.

Includes writing by Laura Ruth, Bill St.Cyr, Deb DeGraff, Ellen Keene, Dorothy Korshak, Annie Wattles and Sue Scavo. Sex, Trauma and Conjunctio furthers and deepens the exploration of Archetypal Dreamwork already explored in the first two books of The Deep Well Tapes series. This book includes in-depth personal narratives of several Archetypal Dreamwork Teachers, including a full memoir by Christa Lancaster tracing her personal journey as led by her dreams.

Purchase on Amazon: The Deep Well Tapes: Sex, Trauma and Conjunctio

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