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09-20-17  How to Live Care-Free and Cared For

For peace to be known, we must hand all our thoughts and feelings over to the Light to be dissolved and released. To help with this journey, we will meet many trusted companions along the way who are on the same page as us vibrationally. They will give us the space and permission to let up all of our doubt thoughts up and be transparent. We can’t do this on our own because we need each other to see the inner blocks that we are still holding onto.

In this live talk given by David Hoffmeister to a group of students in the mountains of South Africa, he shares why it is so important to let up what is on our hearts and say what is on our minds. David’s friend Kirsten also shares on this topic, by discussing her own process of letting go of her identity and being in true support of her brothers and sisters. In the end, we shall live in a state that is care-free and cared for by the Spirit. When we surrender to the Spirit’s Love, we discover that everything has been taken care of and always will be.

This recording of David Hoffmeister took place at Moorfield, South Africa on December 20, 2014.

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