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The National DIPG Awareness Resolution H.Res.69 is an attempt to raise awareness to the unacceptable reality which DIPG families and many other childhood cancer families are expected to endure, and to send a strong message of support to the afflicted, as H.Res.69 boldly addresses the inadequacy of our medical research system to fund the urgently needed research to provide solutions and greater options for these children​ facing certain or probable death.

In this way, DIPG exemplifies the marginalization of all pediatric cancers and the realities these children and their families endure.  They are expected to witness, in utter helplessness, the decline and eventual death of their child, not knowing quite  how, when, or why it will happen.

The median survival time for a child diagnosed with DIPG with treatment is 9 months.
The children must bravely walk toward their death in full consciousness as their body shuts down. 

We believe this is an unacceptable reality and encourage others to join us in voicing that the human values of children and saving lives should be represented more effectively in our medical research system.

Albino Rescue Project: The goals and initiatives to be pursued by Humanity Healing International in Uganda for the Albino Program consist of Rescue of At-Risk Children, Awareness Campaigns, Educational Outreaches and Advocacy. Humanity Healing International is a humanitarian, nonpolitical, nondenominational spiritual organization promoting Spiritual Activism as a means to foster Healing for communities around the world that have little or no Hope. Our Mission is to seek out and identify specific projects worldwide and to implement definable and sustainable solutions. Our initiatives are not broad mandates to eradicate poverty, end famine, or stop violence in war-torn countries.
Classes 4 Classes, Inc.Classes 4 Classes, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to teach children the power of kindness and compassion through their ability to create positive change for others. The platform provided by our website actively engages students in learning a social curriculum through the exchange of gifts with other K-8 classrooms, which fulfill a need or educational objective. These gifts are crowd-funded by visitors and donors to our site. The gift is given to the teacher and the students in the receiving classroom only once the project goal is reached, and the receiving classroom has started their own project to “pay it 4ward” to another classroom.
edesia global nutrition solutions is a unique non-profit organization that manufactures specialized ready-to-use foods (R that change lives. Each year millions of “miracle packets” leave Edesia’s Rhode Island factory and are delivered into the hands of malnourished children all over the world by humanitarian aid workers working in the hardest-to-reach and most inhospitable places on the planet. Edesia currently employs 70 people hailing from over 23 countries. Edesia recognizes the complexity of addressing malnutrition globally. Nutrition for young children, pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, people living with HIV/AIDS, and other vulnerable populations is part of larger and more complex problems. Addressing education, agriculture, and policy change must also be a part of the solution. Edesia supplies product for organizations working in emergency situations as well as standard nutrition programming. In recognition that treating the most severe cases is not a permanent solution, Edesia also supplies products for and is an advocate of preventative approaches.
cacThe Children’s Advocacy Center of Bristol County, a private, non-profit agency, provides services to children and intellectually disabled adults who have been victims of severe physical abuse, witness to violence or sexual abuse. Over 90% of all cases fall into the latter category. Based upon a national, child-focused model, the center provides a sensitive and coordinated response to allegations and disclosures of child abuse. For each child abuse case, a multi-disciplinary team is formed comprised of law enforcement, Department of Children & Families, District Attorney’s office, Massachusetts Pedi-SANE program and community-based agencies. This collaborative approach is at the heart of the evidence-based model which provides a place and process for the child to provide the details of their victimization only one time during the investigative period in an effort to minimize their trauma. The CAC of Bristol County is one of 11 centers in MA while our purview is based upon crimes occurring within Bristol County, the agency also offers courtesy services to victims living in our county when an offense may have occurred in another states jurisdiction. There are over 750 Children Advocacy Centers in the United States.
JesseLewisChooseLoveFoundation-Logo-JPG-Small-250x80The Jesse Lewis Choose Love Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization with a commitment to reach students, educators and individuals, nationally and internationally, and provide them with a simple, yet profound formula for choosing love. On the morning of December 14, 2012, on the way to school, JesseMcCord Lewis stopped to write “I love you” in the frost on his mother’s car. Just hours later, Jesse was senselessly murdered in his first grade classroom. He was one of the 26 victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. Days prior to the tragedy, on the kitchen chalkboard at home Jesse had written a prophetic message, Nurturing, Healing, Love’. These three words have become the foundation of the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement and have evolved into a formula that is so simple, yet so profound that it has inspired people all over the world to not only choose love, but become part of the mission to help others do the same.
newtown-helps-rwandaNewtown Helps Rwanda In 1994 over 1,000,000 Rwandan Tutsis were killed by their neighboring Hutus within 100 days. Over 1,000,000 children were orphaned in one of the world’s worst tragedies in history. In December of 2012 JT Lewis lost his little brother, Jesse Lewis in the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre. Reeling from this personal tragedy he had the opportunity to Skype with orphan genocide survivors who had heard about the shooting and wanted to reach out to JT. During the Skype call they told him that they were so sorry about what had happened to his brother and they shared their personal experiences of heartbreak where they watched many of their family members die. They told JT that through gratitude, forgiveness and compassion they have healed and are now leading lives filled with hope and joy. This started JT on his own healing journey and inspired him to give back to the people from around the globe that had reached out to him in love. Knowing that these now young adults had no hope of going to college, JT set out to raise money to make their dreams come true. Several months after he began fundraising he was able to Skype back to the same group and announce that he had raised enough money to send one of them to college for a year. He has made the personal commitment to send this person to college for the remaining 3 years and hopes to do more.
GTRC copyGreenlock Therapeutic Riding Center, Inc., is a non-profit organization that utilizes equine-related activities for the therapy of individuals with physical, developmental, and emotional differences.  Uniquely, the horses are our treatment partners.  We offer both Hippotherapy and Therapeutic Riding that teaches specific riding skills.  Hippotherapy is a practice in which physical, speech, and occupational therapists employ the horse’s movement as a treatment tool to improve neuromuscular function, language and fine motor skills.  Hippotherapy relies on the sensory input provided by the horse’s rhythmic and repetitive gaits to prompt a neuromuscular response in the rider – a response that mimics the movement a child’s body would ordinarily make while walking.  We offer Hippotherapy and therapeutic riding to physically, mentally, and emotionally-challenged persons from throughout RI and Southeastern MA.
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