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Debra Cummings has overcome many obstacles in her life including spending years in depression, a constant state of anxiety and having panic attacks on a regular basis. It took numerous prescription medications for Debra just to be able to function.

She is a person who came from a childhood of sexual abuse, low self-esteem, no confidence, and lack of purpose in her life. Debra spent many years pretending to be perfect, pretending to be nice, pretending to be happy. She pretended to be someone else until being introduced to the methods founded and developed by Jo Dunning, her life became easier and she began to discover her true self.

• The Pulse Technique© or The Quick Pulse©: a new way to help change things you would like to have different in your life while you sit quietly for 2-3 minutes thinking what bothers you about an issue in your life.
• Holistic Healing: the concept that one can prevent and treat illnesses by caring for the whole body physically, emotionally and spiritually.
• Distant Energy Healing: using energy healing or use of prayer and spiritual healing to promote healing and wellness from a distance
• Spiritual Healing: the practice of channeling healing energy to restore an ill person’s natural health. It is related to energy healing, therapeutic touch and distant healing, not a particular religion.


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