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02-23-13  Get (or Stay) Tuned in and Turned on~Bring back your desire-~get out of your head and back into bed! 

Once upon a time… in a life time far away… the mere wisp of a thought of your beloved caused your heart to skip a beat and a quivering wave to hit you below the belt, melting you on the spot. Remember that delicious sensation of anticipation? Or those times when you woke up in the middle of the night with a yearning… an urge… a calling? So – what happened? And are we really chatting about this in polite company?!

Through a lot of research, testing and reading (Mmm Mmm Mmm!), I discovered delicious ways to reignite passion and keep the fires burning, especially during the following events:

Creating bundles of joy
Too “touched out” by toddlers
Career upheavals and financial challenges
Medications and their side effects
Dancing the libido tango – aka: peri-menopause!

I created Bring Back Desire to share these highly effective resources with other women who want more intimacy, sensuality and sexual excitement in their lives.

Ande’s passion for bringing increased intimacy to others stems from her own 26-year relationship with her darling husband. Through conceiving past the age of 35, too touched out by toddlers, financial turmoil, teens and menopause – Ande was committed to keeping the spark alive in her marriage. In the tradition of Betty White wink-and-a-nod humor, Erma Bombeck kitchen table conversation style, and Sofia Vergara va-voom… Ande helps women ‘get out of their heads and back into bed!’

An experienced and enthusiastic entrepreneur with an MBA and several successful companies to her credit, Ande is enjoying a well-balanced life while raising two wonderful boys with her husband and is Host of After Dark Radio Show every Wednesday at 11pmEST on

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