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05-06-12 “Transforming The Way We Do Grief Worldwide” 12 part series

How Can We Consciously Mother Ourselves?

For most of us, our mother was our first teacher. Her gifts were either shining examples of how to mother lovingly, or she painted a picture of how not to mother. Perhaps she gave you both. Is it possible to forgive our mothers for their shortcomings, give thanks for the gifts they gave us, and use both to mother ourselves the way we wish we had been mothered?

Tom Zuba is a grief guide, author and inspirational speaker. His intention is to transform the way we “do grief” worldwide by sharing tools he’s gathered over the last 20+ years. In 1990, Tom’s 18-month-old daughter Erin died suddenly. His 43-year-old wife Trish died equally as suddenly on New Year’s Day 1999 and his 13-year-old son Rory died from brain cancer in 2005. Tom and his son Sean are learning to live a full, joy-filled life, one day at a time. Tom appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show with best-selling author Gary Zukav, and currently writes a monthly column for CARING magazine. To learn more, visit and follow Tom on Facebook and Twitter.

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