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In his early years as a child, Paul Vens discovered the magic of nature and started looking for ways to express these experiences. When he was ten years old, he played his first chords on a self-made wooden guitar. Later painting and writing also became ways of expressing his experiences. Between 1990/2000 he made three albums: “Promise”, “Aquarius” and “Son to the Father”. These albums have mainly very open, clear, instrumental work. Very special is the way he creates silence between the notes. The longing for pure freedom of creativity finally pushed him in the direction of his own independent music label. Now, already seven albums have been released through this label, as well as a couple of booklets and prints of his paintings. You could characterize Paul’s music as fine, light and peaceful. Love for life, for natures are important ingredients of his songs.

At the end of the last century Paul discovers the Tibetan Singing Bowls through a friendship with an old priest. The Tibetan Singing Bowls have thereafter played an important role in his musical journey; they have become part of his music and concerts. The Singing Bowls are known to be able to shift one’s presence from thinking to feeling and Paul has had special experiences in using these bowls in ‘experiencing sound’ workshops with the mentally handicapped. In Holland and Belgium Paul writes articles for New Age Magazines about the Tibetian Singing Bowls, Music and Nature. Paul Vens & Friends play their music for Dutch Radio Stations and they have concerts in France, Germany, Belgium and Holland.


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