09-04-24 Unlocking the Truth: The Power of No Private Thoughts
A Course in Miracles teaches that thoughts are either extended or projected, with God extending creative thoughts of pure spirit.
Jesus teaches that we have real thoughts but are unaware of them. These real thoughts are pure spirit and thoughts we think with God. As long as we have private minds, believing in private thoughts becomes like a dense cloud covering the real thoughts. However, the light remains, and the real thoughts continue. When we become aware of our real thoughts, we become aware of the Christ thoughts, which are pure, loving, and have no distortions.
Projections, or ego thoughts, can create a private world that cannot be shared, like a nightmare. Jesus calls this projection “littleness” or “madness,” it is expected to describe these private thoughts as judgments, grievances, evaluations, and comparisons. Jesus teaches that if you believe you have private thoughts, you are judging yourself.
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