11-22-17 Who Are THEY with Aynne McAvoy
Cynthia Sue Larson talks with Aynne McAvoy about her experiences with angels starting in childhood that continued all through her life, including 30 years of service in law enforcement. Aynne shares some of the angelic messages, visions and guidance she’s received that have provided her with validation for the existence of angels, as well as first-hand accounts of life-saving and life-altering angelic encounters–and what kinds of advantages a close relationship with angels can bring.
Aynne McAvoy is an author, professional psychic astrologer and medium. Aynne is a Reiki master teacher and ordained minister who teaches metaphysical classes, writes regular feature columns, and is a guest on numerous radio programs. Aynne has produced weekly radio programs as a psychic astrologer, begun the All That’s Metaphysical group in Palm Coast, Florida, led a weekly drum group, and she was the director and promoter of Your New Life Expos in Syracuse, New York. Aynne ‘s website is: www.GoldenTrines.com