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01-06-20 What is Environmental Literacy?

Guest Rachel Holbert, President of Rhode Island Environmental Education Association (RIEEA)

In a national survey undertaken a year ago, the percentage of Americans who say global warming is personally important hit a record high, 72 percent. The world has entered a new era of public awareness about climate change. People want to know more about how it is happening and what they can do, personally, to help alleviate the situation. This is the purpose of environmental literacy, and so we seek to articulate environmental literacy and integrate it into education, business, agriculture and other sectors of society. How can we do this?

The Rhode Island Environmental Education Association (RIEEA) is a network of professionals and organizations committed to increasing the environmental literacy of all children and adults in Rhode Island. The organization fosters collaborations, sponsors professional development opportunities, gathers and disseminates information on environmental education and promotes public understanding of the value of an environmentally literate citizenry. In addition to serving as President of RIEEA, special guest Rachel Holbert directs the education department at Norman Bird Sanctuary in Middletown, RI. Her interests include Citizen Science, Climate Change, Environmental Literacy and Urban Environmental Education. Holbert will share her experience and knowledge as an environmental literacy expert and explain the many resources and opportunities made available through RIEEA.

Rachel Holbert Bio: After growing up in Louisiana, I completed grad school in Rhode Island and never left! My RI environmental education experience includes directing the education department at Norman Bird Sanctuary, serving as the President of RI Environmental Education Association, and on the board of the New England Environmental Education Alliance.

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