02-19-17 The Second Genesis Awakening’s Leap Frog Effect
This week’s show is about the Second Genesis Awakening’s Leap Frog Effect. It’s a show you won’t want to miss. There’s an Ancient Language of Metaphor written upon our DNA that’s coming forward. A Whole and New Birth of being Human has begun. Mankind has entered through a Passage into Possibilities in being Human that no previous generation of mankind has known. It begins with never being sick again in your life with a Second Genesis Regenerative Medicine Protocol that’s as easy as 123 Meals. Come Explore with your Host, Deborah Beauvais when Love By Intuition brings onto the Show the Founder’s of Envision America’s Medicine Wheels…Adam’t Gardener, Whole Food Whole Herb Medicine Man and Debara Bruhn Towt known best for her songs available at callinallangels.com. Debara can be heard on Divine Music Sunday’s on DreamVisions7 Radio Network. They’ve created a website you can go to and see their architecture for this Evolutionary Project being built in the Heart of the desert southwest’s GrandCircle of National Parks and Monuments. That URL is: thehumanaccelerator.org. See ya there…