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02-13-18  The New Cancer Paradigm~Mobilize the Mind to Heal the Body! With Avinoam Lerner

In Avinoam Lerner’s words: I am a Cancer Recovery Specialist, TEDx speaker and author of The New Cancer Paradigm. Mobilize the Mind to Heal the Body!

My innovative approach to cancer recovery highlights the multidimensional nature of our being and the need to treat illness not only on the level of the body but also on the level of Mind. I offer patients and survivors seeking to play a more active role in their care, a practical, meaningful and effective path to do so through my practice, workshops and coaching programs. This path allows those I work with to engage the creative power of their Mind to revive their body’s innate immune response, become more resilient and cultivate a mindset for healing and quality of life.

I believe that for true and lasting recovery we must transcend the mechanistic-reductionist view of disease and recognize that illness is a whole person event. Illness highlights our inherent need to evolve on all levels. It propels us to look deep within and live more authentically.

After earning my degree in Holistic Health from the Ridman International College for Complementary Alternative Medicine in Israel in 2000, I was certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) as well as the National Federation of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) in the USA.

Much of my work is founded on the work of Dr. Ernest Rossi as described in his breakthrough book The Psychobiology of Mind Body Healing, Dr. Alastair J. Cunningham and his work with the Healing Journey method, and Dr. Al Barrios, a clinical psychologist and a pioneer in the field of immunotherapy.

Another source of inspiration for me is the work of Stephen C.Parkhill, a noted hypnotherapist and the author of Answer Cancer – The Healing of A Nation.

The potential for recovery goes beyond simply submitting to treatment. Your state of Mind is your greatest ally in the recovery process” – Avinoam Lerner

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