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10-24-14  Topic:  The Inner Game Of Stress: A Conversation With Edd Hanzelik

Although people talk about stress all the time, most do little more than complain about it. In our conversation with Edd Hanzelik, MD, Author of The Inner Game of Stress, we will explore a very neat, powerful and easy to use technique to deal with stressful situations.

Dr. Hanzelik, who trained in Internal Medicine at Boston’s distinguished Beth Israel Hospital, was a classmate of Dr. Miller at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the 1960s. Edd was always extremely interested in the inner life of his patients and the relationship of that inner life to the progress of their physical disease. He became aware of the central role stress played, and the result of his studies and his experiences helping patients heal is one of the foci of this discussion. The other is a tool he calls STOP – an acronym for Step back, Think, Organize, Proceed. You will quickly see how you can apply it in your own life. Edd is a warm and understanding healer as well as a highly skilled practitioner of Western medical science. Listen, and hear what a truly caring physician sounds like.

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