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12-30-20 The Illusion of Time Part 2

The Miracle takes away the past. It takes away what never was. The Miracle takes away the interference. That’s the prayer of your heart what could healing be except taking away the interference of what always is so, so that’s why the miracle collapses time. That’s why the miracle brings the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end together. Sometimes I’ve described linear time is like a long stalk of celery, and you get your low gear cutter knife out. And every time you have a miracle, you’re chopping that stalk of celery. Every miracle I’m not just talking about for you but for the whole sonship whenever you have a miracle, you chop off a bit of that stock of celery, and then it seems to get shorter and shorter. Do you keep bringing the pieces together after you chop sections of the salary out, it will just come down closer and closer to, the present moment. All you’re doing when you have miracles is you’re saving yourself 1000s of years and saving everyone, you’re saving the whole sonship, you’re saving everyone 1000s of years every miracle that your mind experiences.

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