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Dr Wolk08-17-21 The “Ill-Phabet”- Ronald McDonald House…And Your Child

Kat Kanavos interviews Dr. Melvyn and Marilyn Wolk on child illness, The “ILL_PHABET” Coloring and Activity Book on the ABCs of Illness and Health Education for Children, and  The Ronald McDonald House- one of Dr. Wolk’s dreams that came true.

Guest: Dr. Melvyn H. Wolk and his wife, Marilyn

Bio: Melvyn Wolk M.D., established The Ronald McDonald House of Scranton, attended the University of Vermont Medical School, and did his residency program in Pediatrics At Bronx Municipal Hospital Center. While in the U.S. Air Force, he became Chief of Pediatrics at Randolph Air Force Base in San Antonio, TX. In 1965 he moved to Scranton, PA., where he established his Pediatric Practice, then became Board Certified in Allergy and Immunology. He served as Chief of Pediatrics at CMC (Community Medical center) in Scranton for over 25 years and was responsible for establishing the first National Intensive Care Center in the area. Realizing the parents of sick children being cared for in the hospital needed a place to stay close to their children, he established The Ronald McDonald House of Scranton. Dr. Wolk says, “The house is an oasis of comfort in a mighty sea of chaos.”

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