Tuesday 12am&12pmET
The Human Accelerator™ with Adam’t Gardener
Building America’s Medicine Wheels for Generations to Come…
We live in extraordinary times. Of this there is no doubt. The Human Accelerator™ is a one hour introduction into this incredible age in which we find ourselves. For the past 200+ years mankind has been getting “Showered Upon” with Insights and Understandings into how the Universe Works. With this Knowledge has come Benefits and Bewilderment.
The Human Accelerator™ is About…seeing through the Contradiction, Contrary and Confusing Rhetoric playing out in our Unique American Culture. Our nation is the Hope of the World. With over 71/2 billion humans alive today, America is the Wee Community Upon this Earth…Foretold from Ancient Times…that would Bring Forth the Truth of this Age. It’s an Amazing Moment Peering into Our Past, Wondering About the Future that leads to taking Actions here & now…to Become that which we’re Destined to BE…a Human Living to Fill the Fullest Measures of Being Human. It’s a Life free of sickness and disease…a Life Becoming Fully Aware of what the Universe is Made Of and how to Access It’s Innate Intelligence to Become that Fullness we’re Genetically Wired to BE. www.thehumanaccelerator.org
Broadcasts Weekly Tuesday 12am/12pmET
Adamt’s Theme This Week
BIO: Adam’t Gardener is the Commentator and Narrator for this one hour Ride on what he calls…The Human Accelerator™. Author of two books, writer & producer of t.h.a.BE.movie, visionary of America’s Medicine Wheels and a Whole Food’s Whole Herb Medicine Man…he has been living on a 100% plant based diet for over 30 years. His Knowledge and Wisdom is a Bridge Connecting two islands of Human Reality.
Website www.thehumanaccelerator.org
You Tube
the human accelerator
The Human Accelerator™ channel is dedicated to bringing forward an Ancient and Timeless Truth. It is a Truth Whose Time Has Come. Explore what it means to BE HUMAN in an Age Unlike any before…a Second Genesis Awakening Age.