The Choose Love Movement Archives with Scarlett Lewis
A First For SEL! What is Possible!
03-13-25 A First For SEL! What is Possible! In this episode, Scarlett chats with Shannon Desilets, the Choose Love Movement Director of New Hampshire, about what is possible with Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and the incredible success they have seen! Listen to how...
Honoring Rachel’s Challenge
03-06-25 Honoring Rachel's Challenge Listen to Scarlett talk with Darrell Scott, the father of Rachel Joy Scott who tragically lost her life at the Columbine school shooting 21 years ago today. We honor Rachel's challenge by sharing her message of compassion and the...
Choose Love For The Workplace
02-27-25 Choose Love For The Workplace In this episode, Scarlett talks to Jerry Alena, the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement's National Director of Corporate Development, about the new Choose Love For The Workplace program and why it is so important, especially during...
Moving From Suffering to Joy
02-20-25 Moving From Suffering to Joy “Come, come, whoever you are...Ours is not a caravan of despair." ― Rumi In this episode, Scarlett talks with Allegra Jordan - author, Architect of Change, consultant and leadership coach, AND volunteer for the Jesse Lewis Choose...
Addiction & Recovery with Donna Marston
02-13-25 Addiction & Recovery with Donna Marston Scarlett’s guest is Donna Marston, author of "Healing Without Shame Journal", "Just for Today", "Peeling The Onion" and "Sharing Without Shame". Scarlett and Donna discuss their personal experiences with addiction...
The Neurovation Center with founder Jeffrey J. Schutz
02-06-25 The Neurovation Center with founder Jeffrey J. Schutz Scarlett’s guest is Jeffrey J. Schutz, Founder and Executive Director of The Neurovation Center in Newtown, CT. The Neurovation Center was started by Jeff to “change the way we do mental health.” Scarlett...
Safety and Well-being of our Children and Educators with Dr. Ryan Carlson
01-29-25 Safety and Well-being of our Children and Educators with Dr. Ryan Carlson The most important thing is the safety and well-being of our children and educators. In this podcast, Dr. Ryan Carlson talks about a revolutionary system for identifying and managing...
The Importance of Play
01-22-25 The Importance of Play In this episode, Scarlett talks with Jonathon Gay, executive director of the New England division of Playworks. "Play is a basic human need. Kids who play are resilient, empathetic, and active. Through play, kids learn to make friends,...
Born This Way Foundation #ChannelKindness
01-15-25 Born This Way Foundation #ChannelKindness Scarlett talked with Lady Gaga's mom, Cynthia Germanotta - co-founder of the Born This Way Foundation and World Health Organization's Goodwill Ambassador for Mental Health - about tips for coping during crisis...
“Peaceful Parents” with David Romanelli
01-09-25 "Peaceful Parents" with David Romanelli Scarlett has partnered with David Romanelli to create a program called "Peaceful Parents" aimed at bringing more peace into the lives of parents. The program includes advice from various experts in short, digestible...