The Anxious Voyage with Mark O’Brien
The Letting-Go Girl: Sarah Kalmeta
08-19-24 The Letting-Go Girl: Sarah Kalmeta Twenty-Sixth Episode: Sarah describes herself as a master pivoter, a corporate escapee, and a philosophical explorer who’s always up for adventure. As a Change Advisor and keynote speaker, Sarah helps people understand that...
Living Undeterred: Jeff Johnston
08-05-24 Living Undeterred: Jeff Johnston Twenty-Fifth Episode: On October 4, 2016, Jeff lost his son, Seth, age 23, to fentanyl poisoning. Recognizing his own addictions to alcohol and gambling, Jeff took a stand on December 24, 2017, and committed himself mental...
Humanity Rediscovered: Dennis and Ali Pitocco
07-15-24 Humanity Rediscovered: Dennis and Ali Pitocco Twenty-Fourth Episode: Dennis is the founder and CEO of 360° Nation, a multifaceted media enterprise promoting global positivity. In collaboration with his wife, Ali, who serves as Chief Inspiration Officer,...
The Conversation: Paula Parker and Nick Sternberg
07-01-24 The Conversation: Paula Parker and Nick Sternberg Twenty-Third Episode: In a fairly recent LinkedIn conversation Paula M. Parker and Nick Sternberg had this exchange: Nick: When I was younger, $3.35 an hour wasn’t enough to live on. Later, $16k a year wasn’t...
Spiritual Creativity: The Magic Mavens
06-17-24 Spiritual Creativity: The Magic Mavens Twenty-second Episode: Given my charmed Irish life, I’m fortunate enough to have crossed paths, at different times, with three wonderful women — Diane Wyzga, Gina Mazza, and Gail Harris. Diane was a guest on my show on...
Mandate to Elevate: Mariah and Byron Edgington
06-03-24 Mandate to Elevate: Mariah and Byron Edgington Twenty-first Episode: Mariah Edgington is a retired ER, ICU, Critical Care, and Flight Nurse. Byron Edgington is a retired military and commercial helicopter pilot. Published authors, TEDx speakers, creators of...
The Self Regained: Brian Kelly Part 2
05-20-24 The Self Regained: Brian Kelly Part 2 Twentieth Episode: Brian Kelly, founder of Human Factors Consulting, believed vulnerability meant weakness. That affected the way he saw himself and the way he believed others saw him, leading to his feeling directionless...
The Shame Doctor: John Dunia
05-06-24 The Shame Doctor: John Dunia Nineteenth Episode: As the Shame Doctor, John understands our lives can be ruined by the ways in which people damage the ways we see ourselves. He helps people stop the self-destructive patterns that arise from shame-based...
Courageous Resoluteness: Amy LaBossiere
04-15-24 Courageous Resoluteness: Amy LaBossiere Eighteenth Episode: Amy is a multidisciplinary professional with extensive experience in communications and fine art. She earned a BFA in Communication Arts from Long Island University at CW Post, a Master of Arts in...
The Habit Doctor: Tamsin Astor
04-01-24 The Habit Doctor: Tamsin Astor Seventeenth Episode: Tamsin Astor, Ph.D., calls herself a Chief Habit Scientist because she helps people by teaching them a few key habit shifts, inspiring them to create their own lives, to find their own way, and to connect...