02-12-25 The Alchemical Journey w/ David Gilbert
David Gilbert is a spiritual seeker and performance coach that views the hero’s journey through the lens of the alchemical journey. In this episode of SOUL SEEKR, David sits down with Sam to speak about how to unlock a life of ease, joy and fulfillment. You’ll also hear about David’s new book and how he was able to access flow states to channel his book “The Alchemical Journey”.
Links below
Join the BREATH CLUB for Free using code “LIGHTHOUSE” on the link here: https://www.spiritualitysimplified.me/offers/FWadeYUB/checkout
Overcome The Overwhelm Book: bit.ly/3OKoigp
Check out my TEDx Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjXihF1s_C4&t=917s
SHATTER Limiting Old Stories 5 Day Challenge: SHATTER Limiting Old Stories (5 Day Challenge!)
Microdosing w/ Mushrooms: https://muse-affiliate.referral-factory.com/T9YmRZ
FREE “SoulChat” with Sam: Calendly.com/SamKabert
My Book “SOUL/Life Balance”: amzn.to/3ZLAsMn
Sam’s Website: https://samkabert.com/
Connect w/ Sam on IG: https://www.instagram.com/samkabert
Try Magic Mind for 20% off: https://www.magicmind.com/SAMSOULSEEKR20
Connect w/ David: https://davidggilbert.com/
David’s Website: https://www.goldenlife.com/
David’s Book: https://bit.ly/3CEvKHq
Video Version : https://youtu.be/0QtJRZ6QWhs?si=rSm_wJM4dYOtiJFF