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Jude Currivan07-05-23 The Story of Gaia with Jude Currivan

Cynthia Sue Larson talks with Jude Currivan about how we can experience the joy and wonder of acting local, feeling global, and thinking cosmic with a sense of awe and wonder at the intrinsic consciousness of our planet and universe.  Jude describes seeing the Periodic Table of elements as a piece of music, with electrons in orbits around nucleus, and atoms positioned perfectly for harmonic resonance.  Planetary and cosmic evolution are natural processes, moving through periods of punctuated equilibrium, and making progress via collaboration.  Jude and Cynthia discuss having seen Indra’s net in their childhoods, and both being one of six women in their respective physics programs.  Jude shares what she found most surprising, and some tips to help humanity’s conscious evolution in these interesting times.

Jude Currivan. Jude is a cosmologist, futurist, planetary healer, member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle. She has a master’s degree in physics from Oxford University and a doctorate in Archaeology from the University of Reading. She is the author of 6 books, including The Story of Gaia and The Cosmic Hologram, and is co-founder of WholeWorld-View. Jude’s websites are:  and

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