06-17-24 Spiritual Creativity: The Magic Mavens
Twenty-second Episode: Given my charmed Irish life, I’m fortunate enough to have crossed paths, at different times, with three wonderful women — Diane Wyzga, Gina Mazza, and Gail Harris. Diane was a guest on my show on November 6th, 2023. At some point, I wondered if the three of them should meet. So, I arranged a Zoom call for the four of us. From my perspective, it was like watching a fireworks display: Their energy was brilliant, spontaneous, and joyful. I dubbed them The Magic Mavens. And I invited them to join me to share their amazing energy with a wider audience. Please join us. You’ll be in for a treat.
The Magic Mavens are, in no particular order:
Diane Wyzga: From US Navy nurse to lawyer, noted speaker to litigation consultant, and seasoned backpacking adventurer to podcaster, Diane’s story is all about Falling Down 7 – Getting Up 8. For 30 years, Diane has been helping professionals take their stories from messages only they could hear to the publishing world, the courtroom, hospitals, board meetings, and the airwaves. Stories that swayed juries. Built markets. Spread ideas. Changed things. Today Diane helps professional women become successful Origin Story creators in the spirit of who they are: finding the words they didn’t know they had to connect with, engage, and enliven their audiences to action while transforming the lives of those they serve. When you summon the courage to say “Yes!” that’s the place where your story changes.
Gina Mazza: Gina’s worked and played with words professionally for nearly four decades as an award-winning journalist and author of four personal-growth books, including Everything Matters, Nothing Matters, which was praised in Publisher’s Weekly. Her newest book, Essential Astonishments: Poetic Reflections for Awakening, answers the soul’s longing to speak intimately about the bliss and bewilderment of the human experience. Gina’s company helps writers bring forth their creative expressions, particularly in spirituality, consciousness, and wellness. Her offerings include ghostwriting, editing, publishing consulting, creative musing, book promotion and branding. She also has a background in PR and advertising, media writing, corporate communications, entrepreneurship, and the use of intuitive guidance to elucidate one’s work, mission, passion, and purpose.
Gail Harris: Gail is a certified ghostwriter specializing in women’s memoirs and an IPNE Book Award Finalist for the memoir Finding Zoe. She collaborates with women who’ve risen above life’s challenges and are ready to share their journeys. Gail reveres the cathartic nature of storytelling — for the authors and for those who read their stories — because the healing is universal. She finds the gold in an author’s story or what sets it apart from other stories to make it marketable. Gail is also the author of the self-help book Your Heart Knows the Answer. Her company is Golden Ghostwriting.
Video Version: https://youtu.be/7TSDAh7Txrg?si=W79TVTJdUxf-V7KH
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