Special Audio Commercial Jingle Bundle for Authors
Envision your book’s essence placed into a customized audio commercial that broadcasts on global radio! Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network can make it happen as a syndicated Boston based Holistic Talk Radio Station connecting your “book commercial jingle” to the local, national and international listening markets.
Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network is heard on Amazon…just ask Alexa to play “Dreamvisions 7 Radio”
What Authors Receive:
- 30 second customized audio commercial [mp3]
- 70+ commercial spots [D7RN-includes syndicated station mediums]
- Coverage for 30 days with bonus spots
- Guest Interview Spot on the syndicated Love By Intuition Show
- Book of the Month Promotion
- One Book Promotion in our Newsletter
- A Blog Promotional Post during the Month
- Presence in all our social media
- Choice of female or male voiceover
- Ownership of Mp3 which becomes a marketing tool for future promotions
- Listeners remember your book through the audio tempo and jingle
Special Author Fee: $2700
For Audiobook Clients only $2430
To get started or for questions contact:
Deborah Beauvais
We are honored to be part of your book launch!
At Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network, we balance our receiving by supporting other conscious companies making a difference in the world. We believe it is everyone’s divine birthright to have shelter, safe food/ water and an education. Collectively we can provide every person the opportunity to thrive so they may pay it forward.
We hope you will join our online community. Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network is a Station fostering unity, love and planet consciousness. From an interconnected mindset, we cultivate a belief that when we utilize our life purpose to serve others, we nourish ourselves and contribute to all life on this Planet. Sign up today!