01-15-25 Entering the Seat of the Sacred w/ Staci Gray
Entering the Seat of the Sacred is the ticket to move beyond fear, shame, guilt and really anything that may be holding you back. Do you find yourself in the seat of the scared? Are you ready to move beyond that?
Join host Sam Kabert, and guest Staci Gray as they unpack what it took for Staci to lead from a place of embodiment and show other high performers a path towards healing. When you embark on a journey of prioritizing your “eyes closed” inner world, the magic only continues to grow and the synchronicities shine brighter than ever before! Enjoy this episode all about how to stay grounded in the physical world without jeopardizing your connection to Source / Inner World made of your Mental & Emotional state.
Links below
Join the BREATH CLUB for Free using code “LIGHTHOUSE” on the link here: https://www.spiritualitysimplified.me/offers/FWadeYUB/checkout
Overcome The Overwhelm Book: bit.ly/3OKoigp
Check out my TEDx Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjXihF1s_C4&t=917s
SHATTER Limiting Old Stories 5 Day Challenge: SHATTER Limiting Old Stories (5 Day Challenge!)
Microdosing w/ Mushrooms: https://muse-affiliate.referral-factory.com/T9YmRZ
FREE “SoulChat” with Sam: Calendly.com/SamKabert
My Book “SOUL/Life Balance”: amzn.to/3ZLAsMn
Sam’s Website: https://samkabert.com/
Connect w/ Sam on IG: https://www.instagram.com/samkabert
Connect w/ Staci: https://www.instagram.com/staci_gray/?hl=en
Staci’s Website: https://organizetoscale.com/
Staci’sPodcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/1RaVwdOYa4Yvl9tKD2EQ8O?si=71cd37abd8c74c35
Try Magic Mind for 20% off: https://www.magicmind.com/SAMSOULSEEKR20
Video Version: https://youtu.be/olJHrZnKtbQ?si=sx2UYUUePAUcsRHW