Bi-Weekly Tuesday 8am&8pmET
Every Saturday 3amET
Radical Transformational Leadership with Dr. Monica Sharma
The Show invites everyone to engage in creating a new reality that is equitable and prosperous. We learn about new ways to source our inner capacities and wisdom to manifest change that embodies universal values of dignity, compassion and fairness; and at the same time, transform unworkable systems and norms in order to solve problems. We will deconstruct fallacies that societies continue to promote related to self and the world around us that leads to complacency and non-action. This is a radical new approach to transformational leadership. Using examples from around the world, we will see how everyone has the potential to be a leader–a person who creates a new future through actions in society, at home, and at work. This program is not useful for those who are satisfied with the world as it is today. This program for people who have questions. It encourages us to question the status quo, ask relevant questions, generate insights and act in order to establish universal equity and dignity. www.radicallytransform.org
Evolutionary Voices for the Quantum Age Features Trailblazers, Visionaries and Pioneers Who Are Guiding Humanity To An Active Heart-Based Society~ Broadcasts Monday -Friday 8am & 8pmET
Bi-Weekly Tuesday 8am/8pmET, Every Saturday 3amET
Saturday 3amET Weekly
Radical Transformational Leadership: What does this imply? Guest Hosts Kirsten Gallo and Sudarshan Rodriguez-RTL style with Guest Dr. Jana Newman
We tend to think that leadership is reserved for people with particular titles or positions. We think that change only happens when it comes down from senior leaders in an organization. As we deepen our RTL practice, we recognize the importance of leadership at every level. This approach emerges as grassroots efforts, which leverage the influence that everyone has—the contribution each of us has to make—regardless of position in an organization. That said, senior managers do hold unique responsibility for establishing and upholding cultural norms. If a senior leader adopts an authoritarian style of leadership and does not ask for or consider input from their team, co-creation will not be possible. Success will be limited. In this conversation, we explore the role of senior leaders in creating the culture of an organization and the practices we can use to increase our effectiveness. We begin with a cornerstone of RTL practice, the embodiment of values—upholding dignity, equity and fairness, having compassion for ourselves and others.
JANA NEWMAN is a scientist, educator and life-long learner. Currently, she is learning how to improve her sourdough baking skills! She embodies a deep sense of connection and caring for the earth and its inhabitants, striving to leave the world a better place than she found it.
She has studied, volunteered and worked in the field of conservation for most of her life. Jana began her professional career as a high school science teacher before returning to school to earn a doctorate from the University of Connecticut. She recently retired from the US Fish and Wildlife Service, where, as the National Inventory and Monitoring Manager, she worked with a team of dedicated scientists to manage and conserve our natural resources for the benefit of current and future generations. Prior to that, she had the privilege to support the conservation and restoration of the Everglades while working as a researcher for the State of Florida.
Kirsten Gallo served as the head of the National Park Service Inventory and Monitoring Division. She held a variety of positions in the U.S. Forest Service and the National Park Service conducting natural resource monitoring and stewardship of public lands. She holds a doctorate degree in Ecology and has dedicated her career to conserving natural resources and demonstrating interdependence between humans and our environment. She began applying RTL tools and techniques in 2009 and created platforms for leadership in five federal government agencies and NGOs. Kirsten is now working to make RTL a global movement as she works in the fields of the environment, leadership, and finance. Specifically, she’s working to remove chemicals from our food systems and return to regenerative agricultural techniques to support the wellbeing of people and the planet.
Sudarshan Rodriguez is a development professional with experience in disaster management, environmental sciences, environmental economics, policy, and environmental law. He has worked with Dr. Monica Sharma as an RTL practitioner coach since 2010.
After 22 years in the development sector with a variety of organizations, including the United Nations, grassroots organizations, policy think tanks, civil society and academia, he dove into the adventure of setting up the next generation development consultancy and social purpose enterprise called “RTLWorks”. Before founding RTLWorks, he was the Programme Director at Mahatma Gandhi Academy of Human Development, heading a center of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai located in Nagaland, India focusing on Livelihoods and Social Entrepreneurship. He also delivers and implements Radical Transformational Leaderships ‘learning-in-action programs’ for business and non-profit organizations on different aspects of leadership development for sustainable change.
Learn more about Dr. Monica here: www.radicallytransform.org
BIO: Monica Sharma ‘Development’ of the individual and the collective is being redefined by her, to include the further reaches of the human and cultural capabilities, to discover a deeper balance between humanity and nature, our intellect and emotion, our inner and outer worlds, and to foster its expression through many programmes world-wide in society as well as organizations.
Monica Sharma, trained as a physician and epidemiologist, worked for the United Nations since 1988 for 22 years. She is the author of the book “Radical Transformational Leadership” which has been describes as a path-breaking classic by eminent scholars. Currently, she engages worldwide as an International Expert and Practitioner on Leadership Development for sustainable and equitable change. She works with United Nations, Universities, Management Institutions, governments, business, media and civil society organizations. She is the Tata Chair Professor at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in Mumbai.
As a practitioner, her proven track record of generating measurable results at scale, as well as enhancing leadership on every continent, is unique. She brings this experience and capability to all her work. She designs and facilitates programmes for whole systems transformation and leadership development in both developed and developing countries. Using cutting–edge transformational approaches and methodologies, the purpose is to achieve measurable and sustainable change in development, business and peace. She fosters results-oriented partnerships with governments, civil society, business, media and United Nations. She also designs and implements workshops – “learning –in-action programmes” – with both business and non-profit organizations on different aspects of Leadership Development for Equitable and Sustainable Change. She engages with over 20 organizations, mostly global.
Formerly, as Director of Leadership and Capacity Development, United Nations, she designed and facilitated programmes for whole systems transformation and leadership development around the world with a focus on the 50 least developed countries, with measurable results.
Monica Sharma designed and directed large programmes globally, and lived and worked extensively in both developing and developed countries – in Africa, Asia, Arab States, Eastern Europe, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, North America. For example, she developed and implemented transformational leadership programmes in 40 countries generating multiple innovations and large-scale results impacting 4.5 million directly and another 130 million in the context of HIV AIDS as the global Director of the HIV/AIDS programme of United Nations Development Programme. She pioneered the strategy for “whole systems transformation” for reducing maternal mortality in South Asia, addressing women’s rights and leadership at all levels. She led teams for policy formulation, strategic direction and programme development in 60 countries, building multi-stakeholders partnerships with governments, media, civil society and business.
She has published and presented over 250 articles in journals and international forums.
Monica Sharma created and uses a unique response model based on extensive application –a conscious full-spectrum model- which simultaneously in time solves problems, shifts systems and creates new patterns sourced from individual inner capacity and transformational leadership. This model has generated sustainable results worldwide. In her recent book ‘Radical Transformational Leadership ‘ she describes how we can source our inner capacities and wisdom to manifest change that embodies universal values such as dignity, compassion, fairness and courage. Everyone has the potential to be a leader–a person who creates a new future–through action in society, at home and at work. This book lays out a detailed plan for unleashing our human potential to create a new future through strategic action.
She fosters emerging leaders world-wide – proactively seeking out potential leaders, unleashing their power of effective creativity, enabling them to manifest their full potential. These leaders recognize the invisible, multiple patterns and systems that shape societal and planetary situations and actions; they distinguish, design and deliver actions sourced from self-awareness and empathy; manifest sustainable and equitable change, creating new patterns as they solve problems.
Dalai Lama Event– https://livestream.com/accounts/5587887/tiss
Winner of the Gold Nautilus Book Award 2017 for ‘Business and Leadership!
Monica Sharma describes how we can source our inner capacities and wisdom to manifest change that embodies universal values such as dignity, compassion, fairness, and courage. Drawing on more than twenty years of work for the United Nations and elsewhere, she presents a radical new approach to transformational leadership, one that creates systems of change where everyone can engage—not just analysts and policy-makers. Demonstrating that we all can be architects of a new humanity, Monica demystifies policy-making, planning, and implementation so that everyone can play an informed and strategic part in eradicating the world’s most intractable problems….