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Amy Gifford02-02-21 Prophetic Dreams of Pets, Feathers, and Monks- OH MY!

You may have heard of people like me having precognitive and prophetic dreams about their health. But what about Fur Parents who have prophetic dreams about their fur, feather, and scale children?  Watch as Amy Gifford shares her amazing true dreams concerning her health and that of her beloved dog Rocky. And, how feathers, and monks fit into her dreams, too. Dreams really are Sacred Doorway to Divine messages, guidance, and love. Come and take a peek with us at what is behind those Sacred Doors. It’s time to wake up to what our dreams are telling us.

Guest Bio: Amy Gifford is a California native who grew up in San Diego with her parents and two sisters. She relocated with her family to North Carolina as a teenager and eventually moved to the Raleigh area, where she spent the next several years. Four years ago, she decided it was time for new scenery (mountains!) after some big life changes and headed out to Denver, Colorado, where she now resides. She spent her career in Sales, starting out in retail, mostly working in high-end jewelry, and eventually decided to move into the world of software and IT. She’s currently pursuing her B.A. in Psychology at the University of Colorado, Denver and in her free time between work and school nurtures her Spiritual growth and recently started her journey as a Reiki Practitioner. She loves being outdoors, hiking and camping, as well as spending time with friends, traveling, and talking with family as much as possible. You’ll also find her at her favorite local spots around the Denver/Boulder area on the weekends.   919-656-5380

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