07-07-21 MANIFEST Your Mindset
Today join Catherine as she interviews Paul Fourchine who has cerebral palsy and how he manifested a new mindset. Paul shares how he did this and removed the “labels” that were placed on him.
Catherine also talks about preparing our mindset for Climate Crisis Lockdowns. Have you heard about this one?
Next week, join Catherine as she interviews Priscilla George as she shares with us how to Awaken the Creative Within. So often as we grow and change we lose our way to where we are heading and our new outlets. Priscilla helps redirect us to find that part of ourselves again. Don’t miss this interview to learn how you can tap into your own creative space.
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And join our Facebook community “Retreat to Peace”,to be part of our virtual summit with past speakers coming up soon. https://www.facebook.com/RetreattoPeace
Learn more about Catherine here: retreattopeace.net