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The Little Book That Could & Did!05-21-24 Kat Kanavos’ True Story Time -The Little Book That Could & Did!

Authors and writers, you may have heard of the Children’s Story, The Little Engine That Could? Well, this is the True Story of the Little Book that Could And DID! Kat shares her personal story of going from publishing rejections to International award winner, to agented author, to finally being conventionally published with translated books sold worldwide, to presenting her story on Exclusive Worldwide Cruises. Get on YOUR track to publishing and join the wild journey with Kat from “I Think I Can…” to “I Knew I Could AND DID!” And now, You can, too!

Bio: Kat believes everyone has a story to tell, and people want to hear and read it! Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos, aka The Queen of Dreams, is a co-publisher/, three-time Breast Cancer Survivor, taught Psychology at USF Fort Myers Branch, hosts Dreaming Healing on DreamVisions7 Radio/TV Network, is a PR Guru, internationally syndicated columnist for BIZCATALYST 360°, and Desert Health Magazines, Lecturer/Coach and  Internationally award-winning, bestselling author of many books including Chaos to Clarity Crappy to HappyMayhem to Miracles, Dreams That Can Save Your Life , and Surviving Cancerland , seen on Dr. Oz, The DOCTORS, CBS and NBC. Kat promotes patient advocacy and connecting with Inner and Divine Guidance through Dreams for success in health, wealth, and relationships. Kat says, “Don’t tell God how big your problems are. Tell your problems how big your God is.”

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