FLAUNT! Find Your Sparkle & Create a Life You Love After Infidelity or Betrayal Archives with Lora Cheadle
Love, Healing, Peace & Resolution Through ‘The Afterlife Frequency’ –With Mark Anthony
11-17-21 Love, Healing, Peace & Resolution Through ‘The Afterlife Frequency’ –With Mark Anthony World-renowned psychic medium and Oxford-educated attorney Mark Anthony bridges the divide between faith and science in this fascinating interview about life, death,...
Finding (or Recreating) Love with Intelligence – With Lily Walford
11-10-21 Finding (or Recreating) Love with Intelligence – With Lily Walford We Believe That A Relationship Does Not Complete You. You Are Already Whole - But Two Whole People Create A Strong Relationship You’ve been through the worst in a relationship– you’ve been...
Life Hacks with Lora – A Reverse Interview With Amie Mangola-Soler
11-03-21 Life Hacks with Lora – A Reverse Interview With Amie Mangola-Soler Have you ever listened to this (or any) podcast and thought, “I have so many other questions! I wish I could sit down with the host and pick her brain for a while!” That’s exactly what’s...
From Questioning to Knowing: How the Akashic Records Can Help You Heal – With Lisa Barnett
10-27-21 From Questioning to Knowing: How the Akashic Records Can Help You Heal – With Lisa Barnett Whether you’re struggling with infidelity, betrayal, trusting yourself or others again, or just can’t seem to wrap your head around the idea of, What does this all...
The Divorce Rehab ™ – With Wendy Sterling
10-20-21 The Divorce Rehab ™ – With Wendy Sterling What would it be like if, instead of hearing, “I’m so sorry you’re getting divorced!” and feeling the resulting embarrassment, you heard, “What a fantastic opportunity for you I front of you!” How would you feel then?...
Boundaries After Betrayal: Set, Enforce, and Communicate Them With Ease– Solo Show
10-13-21 Boundaries After Betrayal: Set, Enforce, and Communicate Them With Ease– Solo Show Boundaries get confusing – especially after an affair. Join Lora as she talks all things boundaries: what they are (and what they aren’t) why you should set them, how to...
What Is Ultimate Truth? The Life-Changing Magic of Peru – Solo Show
10-06-21 What Is Ultimate Truth? The Life-Changing Magic of Peru – Solo Show Have you ever heard someone talk about a life changing moment or describe a spiritual awakening, and found yourself wondering, “what does that even mean?” You are not alone! Join me for a...
Why They Stay: Sex Scandals, Deals, and Hidden Agendas of Political Wives – With Anne Michaud
09-30-21 Why They Stay: Sex Scandals, Deals, and Hidden Agendas of Political Wives – With Anne Michaud Have you ever watched a sex scandal unfold on TV or in the news and wondered to yourself, “Why on earth is she staying?” You are not alone! Like many others, I too...
Letting Go: What to do When Your Hopes Have Been Crushed– Solo Show
09-23-21 Letting Go: What to do When Your Hopes Have Been Crushed– Solo Show Disappointment is no fun! But often times the pain of holding on to, or ruminating about something that “should have” turned out differently is worse than the disappointment itself! Whether...
Trusting the Still, Small Voice Inside (even when you don’t want to) – With– Echo Bodine
09-15-21 Trusting the Still, Small Voice Inside (even when you don’t want to) – With– Echo Bodine No doubt you’ve heard about intuition and the still, small voice within, but how certain are you of that voice? How comfortable are you trusting in your truth, and how...
Ground, Center, and Clear – A Daily Practice for Peace– Solo Show
09-08-21 Ground, Center, and Clear – A Daily Practice for Peace– Solo Show Have you ever felt flustered, chaotic, and pressed for time? Or, hollow, numb, and disconnected from life? You are not alone, and you do not have to settle for anything short of joy, bliss, and...
Betrayed by God – What to do when the Universe lets you down – Solo Show
09-01-21 Betrayed by God – What to do when the Universe lets you down – Solo Show God will provide. Do the right thing and you will be taken care of. You reap what you sow. Except when it doesn’t work that way at all. What happens when you do all the things, and God,...
Sex, Pleasure, and Intimacy After Infidelity & Betrayal – with Azaria Menezes
08-25-21 Sex, Pleasure, and Intimacy After Infidelity & Betrayal – with Azaria Menezes Sex, pleasure, and intimacy don’t have to be hard. Even post-betrayal it is possible to feel connected, turned on, and radiant. Whether you are struggling with hysterical...
Forgiveness: A Journey, not a Destination
08-18-21 Forgiveness: A Journey, not a Destination Are you sick and tired of hearing about forgiveness? I for one want to scream every time someone asks me, “Have you forgiven your cheating spouse?” or “You’re a better woman than I am for forgiving him. I don’t think...
How to Heal From Infidelity & Betrayal
08-11-21 How to Heal From Infidelity & Betrayal-Solo Show Infidelity sucks, and the pain of having your partner cheat on you is soul-crushing. But you can heal from infidelity and betrayal and be stronger because of it. While everyone’s journey is different,...
Emotional Eating: An Inside Out Job – with Liza Lomax
08-04-21 Emotional Eating: An Inside Out Job – with Liza Lomax Emotional eating – we’ve all done it. Whether we are eating our feelings, binge eating, drinking too much, stuffing our faces with comfort food, or we’re too upset to eat at all, the way we eat is tied to...
Release Trapped Emotion and Recalibrate Subconscious Beliefs After Betrayal – with Nicola Energy
07-28-21 Release Trapped Emotion and Recalibrate Subconscious Beliefs After Betrayal – with Nicola Energy Sometimes the energetic charge from an event is literally too much for the body, mind, and emotions to handle, and the body short circuits. If you have ever said...
Break Through the Illusions of Relationship™ & Get the Love you Want with Lauren Kay Wyatt
07-21-21 Break Through the Illusions of Relationship™ & Get the Love you Want with Lauren Kay Wyatt Why are relationships so difficult? Especially when all humans want love, connection, and really great relationships. And what’s a woman to do once she has been...
Processing Grief & Rage – The Transformative Power of Difficult Emotion
07-14-21 Processing Grief & Rage - The Transformative Power of Difficult Emotion How many times have you heard phrases like, “Don’t hide your emotions, let them out!” or “Give yourself time to process those emotions so you can feel better!” and thought, “Sure, but...
Learn to Trust After Betrayal – with Dr. Debi Silber
07-07-21 Learn to Trust After Betrayal – with Dr. Debi Silber Anyone who has been betrayed knows the pain and fear of not being able to trust. After all, if the person closest to you could betray you, what might people who aren’t that close to you do? Perhaps you...