FLAUNT! Find Your Sparkle & Create a Life You Love After Infidelity or Betrayal Archives with Lora Cheadle
Confronting Betrayal from The Betraying Partner’s Perspective
03-06-24 Confronting Betrayal from The Betraying Partner’s Perspective This show is for the betraying partner who wants to understand themselves, figure out what led to the affair, and support their partner in healing so they can forgive and heal both themselves and...
Communicating Effectively After Infidelity
02-28-24 Communicating Effectively After Infidelity While there are many great books or trainings on couple’s communication, one of the most empowering things you can learn how to do as the betrayed partner is learn how to communicate clearly and advocate on your own...
How to Love Yourself – Especially After Infidelity
02-21-24 How to Love Yourself – Especially After Infidelity Self-love is not just self-care. Self-love is the ability to be comfortable with yourself and to develop the habit of asking yourself what you need and fulfilling your needs consistently. While you might...
Understanding Trauma – What it is & Why it Matters
02-14-24 Understanding Trauma – What it is & Why it Matters. Everybody seems to be talking about trauma and triggers, but what does “being traumatized” or “experiencing a trigger” really mean? Having a bad day, feeling upset or uncomfortable is not trauma....
Why it’s Okay to Stay with Your Cheating Partner
02-07-24 Why it’s Okay to Stay with Your Cheating Partner If your partner cheats, the assumption is you’ll leave. Others trying to support you will often say things like “take him for all he’s worth!” or “make him pay!” Perhaps in the past you’ve even claimed that “if...
Betrayal Uncovers the Truth: A Journey to Truth and Self-Discovery
01-24-24 Betrayal Uncovers the Truth: A Journey to Truth and Self-Discovery Betrayal, as painful as it is, can serve as a profound revelation about oneself. Betrayal not only exposes the truth about the person who betrayed us but also unveils deep-seated wounds within...
My Betrayal Recovery Journey – The One Thing You Need to Heal
01-17-24 My Betrayal Recovery Journey – The One Thing You Need to Heal Healing from betrayal does not have to be hard. When you are clear about what being on the other side of betrayal looks like, it’s easier to get yourself there – to figure out which steps you need...
Is “Once a Cheater Always a Cheater” True? – Will He Cheat Again?
01-10-24 Is “Once a Cheater Always a Cheater” True? – Will He Cheat Again? Let’s break down the saying, once a cheater, always a cheater. How do you know when is it true and when is it not true? What are the signs that your partner will or will not cheat again? Is...
Understanding Anger After Infidelity – Using Your Anger as a Catalyst for Change
01-10-24 Understanding Anger After Infidelity – Using Your Anger as a Catalyst for Change Let’s talk about anger after infidelity and betrayal. How much is too much? When are you wallowing in anger and when are you justifiably angry? What does it mean when you “bash...
How to Manifest & Create New Year’s Resolutions That Work After Infidelity
01-03-24 How to Manifest & Create New Year’s Resolutions That Work After Infidelity (Why Dreaming Big Shuts You Down & How to Manifest Miracles) Dreaming big is great, but it doesn’t work. When you dream too big, you pinch off what’s available and accessible...
Self-Care As a Way of Life
12-27-23 Self-Care As a Way of Life Sure, self- care is a great way to recover after infidelity or betrayal, but to be your best, to feel good, live fully, and have the energy to connect or take care of others, you must take care of yourself first! Here are ideas on...
Six Tips to Navigate the Holidays After Betrayal
12-20-23 Six Tips to Navigate the Holidays After Betrayal Are you worried about navigating the holiday season after infidelity or betrayal? These six tips will help you navigate the season with ease, so you can find some joy, connection, and grace despite the stress...
Find Rest, Stillness & Inner Peace
12-13-23 Find Rest, Stillness & Inner Peace While most everyone says they want inner peace, very few know how to achieve it. Learning how to develop the skills and habits necessary to find and reclaim inner peace is essential. Especially during this time of year...
Parenting Through Infidelity & Betrayal
12-06-23 Parenting Through Infidelity & Betrayal What do you tell your kids about infidelity? What if the affair partner is going to be involved in your children’s life? How do you explain your emotions to your child? How do you pull it together enough to parent...
Challenging Stereotypes & Judgments Around Infidelity
11-29-23 Challenging Stereotypes & Judgments Around Infidelity Infidelity and betrayal are hard enough without the added stigma and shame of being “the betrayed partner” or being married to “a cheating man.” In this episode we will dispelling the stereotypes,...
Harnessing the Power of Hope and Gratitude in Healing After Infidelity or Betrayal
11-22-23 Harnessing the Power of Hope and Gratitude in Healing After Infidelity or Betrayal In this episode, we'll explore the transformative power of positivity and the importance of maintaining hope in the face of adversity. We'll uncover how negative thinking can...
Who Should I Tell About the Affair? How Do I Do It & What Do I Say?
11-15-23 Who Should I Tell About the Affair? How Do I Do It & What Do I Say? Finding our about your partner’s infidelity is bad enough, but with taboo topics such as this there is often an added layer of concern. What if you tell and people cut you and your...
How to Get Your Needs Met – Find Your Voice & Advocate for You!
11-08-23 How to Get Your Needs Met – Find Your Voice & Advocate for You! Learning to take care of yourself and get your own needs met is a skill that many of us lack. If you have ever felt a lack of clarity over what you want or how to get it, then this show is...
Giving Up Too Much of Yourself? Why We Do It and How to Stop
11-01-23 Giving Up Too Much of Yourself? Why We Do It and How to Stop Are you betraying yourself? Many women are taught to be “good girls,” to please others, conform to standards, and to perform up to somebody else’s standards. But living like this is a betrayal of...
Mediation or Litigation? What’s the Best Way to Divorce or Legally Separate?
10-25-23 Mediation or Litigation? What’s the Best Way to Divorce or Legally Separate? Whether or not you are contemplating divorce or legal separation, it pays to know your rights, options, and opportunities. In today’s show we will talk about non-attorney mediated...