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Nina Manolson Come Back to Love03-13-25 Finding Body Peace with Nina Manolson

Summary: This episode of *Come Back to Love®* is one that will bring you straight into your heart—deeply, powerfully, and with so much compassion.

Did you know that 99% of women judge their bodies at least 9 times a day—every single day?  The pressure to look a certain way is relentless, and the diet industry only fuels the cycle of shame, self-criticism, and disconnection from our true selves. Instead of bringing us closer to health and happiness, it keeps us stuck in a loop of never feeling enough.

But what if there was another way? A way to **listen to your body, honor it, and build a relationship based on trust and kindness rather than control and punishment**?

That’s exactly what we’re diving into with my special guest, Nina Manolson, MA, Body-Peace® Coach. Nina is a master at helping women shift from body struggle to body peace, guiding them to reconnect with their bodies in a way that feels nourishing, empowering, and deeply loving.

In this episode, we explore:

  • How to break free from the cycle of body shame and self-judgment
  • Why traditional dieting keeps you disconnected from your body’s wisdom
  • How to create a personal “map” back to body trust and self-compassion
  • Practical steps to treat yourself with the love and care you deserveIf you’ve ever looked in the mirror and wished you could feel *at home* in your body instead of at war with it, this episode is for you. It’s time to reclaim your relationship with yourself and Come Back to Love®—body, mind, and soul.

Nina ManolsonBio: Nina Manolson, MA, is the founder of Body-Peace® and a Body-Peace® coach, dedicated to helping women end the war with food and body so they can feel truly at home in their bodies. She has been working with women for more than 30 years, combining her expertise as a therapist, Body-Trust® guide, and Psychology of Eating teacher.

Nina’s work integrates compassionate coaching, body-centered practices, and deep inquiry into societal and personal narratives to help women build sustainable, nourishing, and respectful relationships with their bodies. She is also the co-host of the podcast HERstory on a Plate, which celebrates the intersection of food, culture, and women’s stories.

In addition to one-on-one and group coaching, Nina offers workshops, courses, and retreats designed to create lasting transformation. She is the creator of the Body-Peace® app and the author of poetry that inspires women to reconnect with themselves. Nina holds a master’s degree in counseling psychology and is passionate about creating spaces where women feel seen, supported, and celebrated.

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