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The next step in human evolution will be the result of a new cosmic method of personal discovery. It will objectify human thinking, eliminate loneliness, and like a sunburst create an explosion of fulfillment and creativity.

This book is about that Vision. It is one of transformation in human nature from its state of infancy into its long-awaited state of Divinity. This will occur through what the author calls Inspiration, which is an intelligent force that can be harnessed on a continuous basis to provide certainty to any decision. It is the result of universal laws and processes at work that birth into human consciousness, providing an instantaneous knowing that is beyond reason– clear and compelling which feels like the ever-present word of God.

The author begins the book with a tale of his more than forty year, mystical journey through the cosmos that enabled him to discover both the nature of Inspiration and a modern cosmic procedure to develop it. In part Two he relates his discoveries on a broad spectrum of crucial cosmic subjects that are certain to alter the traditional view of who we are, why we are here and where we are going. Parts Three and Four discuss in detail the spiritual process of Inspiration.

Purchase on Amazon: Field Talk

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