09-03-21 Awakened Soul Special Guest Elizabeth “Rainbow Dancer” Desrochers
She brings wisdom and healing from the spiritual world. I am excited for her to bring this information to all of you!
Elizabeth ‘Rainbow Dancer’ is a Doctor of Divinity, Author, Shaman, Spiritual Healer, Reiki Master Teacher, Master Healer of Shamballa 13D Multi-Dimensional Healing, Certified QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner, Certified in Clinical Hypnosis, Certified NLP Practitioner, Certified Biofeedback Specialist, Certified BQH ~ Beyond Quantum Healing practitioner, creator of the Divine Guidance Quantum Healing, who has trained with Masters from all over the world and beyond.
Elizabeth is a Teacher of Healers; a gifted Visionary with a unique ability to activate Wellness and Joy in each client’s life.
Contact Elizabeth for Holistic Sessions, Divine Guidance Sessions, Biofeedback Sessions, QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy Sessions, Speaking Engagements, Intuitive Consultations, Home or Business Clearings, Ceremony and Certification Classes.
(401) 447-3671
Learn more about Pam here:
Contact Pam: 401-533-1864 or pampatalano@gmail.com