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Dr Roxie Daleo10-25-22 ENERGY PRIME TIME & MindWorks with Dr. Roxanne Daleo

“I help stressed, anxious children and their parents to calm down with natural methods so they can improve their focus and just be happier overall.” The work I have to offer introduces a new paradigm for child rearing, one that understands and assumes the power within; the interconnectedness of all living things and the energy of sound frequency—what I like to call “the spiral of life” that takes us to the sacred space of our own heart and upward to a higher state of being.”

Renowned clinician, leader, and pioneer in Health Psychology, Dr. Roxie has an unwavering passion for helping children discover their inner resources and realize their own self-worth.

As a counselor in Pediatric Stress Management, specializing in anxious children, and parent coaching. Her training from Harvard University and the Jung Institute combine evidence-based mind/body techniques with expressive arts and anchors her work in one of the most powerful methods for awakening natural healing within.

Her ground-breaking work as Founder of MindWorks for Children provides parents, caregivers and children with alternative solutions to alleviate stress and anxieties. Her use of art, music, guided imagery, and meditation programs allow children to access their own internal source of strength, love and innate gifts.

ENERGY PRIME TIME new e-course by Dr. Roxanne Discover amazingly simple but effective “power points” in your day that will bring fast relief from chaos to calm and Connect With Your Child Like Never Before

Dr. Roxie’s Guest:  Christine Berl Howland was just 13 years old when she came to Boston Children’s Hospital where she first met Dr. Roxie, the Expressive Arts Therapist for the bone marrow transplant patients.

Chris knew she faced a serious challenge, “when I was diagnosed with Aplastic Anemia and given 3 to 6 months to live, I immediately told to myself, ‘ I cannot die,’ I never saw myself dying. I always believed I would survive. Chris is here to share her journey; she is a walking medical miracle and illustrates the potential within each of us to awaken our inner energies using mind/body techniques, such a guided imagery and to intentionally access our inner-self, the greatest source of healing.

Today, Chris is a mother of three, Helen 18, Lilia 17, and Hugh 15. Over the years, Dr. Roxie offered guidance to Chris and her children. Currently, Chris works as an Educational Consultant in Upstate New York. She is a graduate of Boston College.

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