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05-14-24 DIPG: Eternal Hope versus Terminal Corruption

Guests: Dean Fachon, author with wife Wendy Fachon

Neil Fachon was a 19-year-old engineering-student at Northeastern University when he was diagnosed with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG), an inoperable brain stem cancer. His family was with him at Mass General Hospital when the neuro-oncologist said he had three months to live. “Six, if you start radiation.” With no time to lose, the family searched out every conceivable treatment, as quickly as possible. Neil chose to enroll in a clinical trial at the Burzynski Clinic in Houston. Though dogged by controversy throughout his career, Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski has achieved miraculous results treating many patients with “incurable” cancers, including some with DIPG.

The medical system designed to protect patients like Neil instead proved as intractable as the disease in his brain. DIPG: Eternal Hope versus Terminal Corruption is the first book of a trilogy, covering the time from misdiagnoses to diagnosis, and from choosing and commencing treatment to being denied treatment. Through a long series of moves and counter moves, Neil was caught in the middle of a life and death chess game, against an opponent that was less than above board. This book is dedicated to everyone who feels abandoned by the very institutions we believed were established to safe guard our rights.

DIPG, author Dean FachonDean Fachon is publishing his son’s story to commemorate Brain Tumor Awareness Month (May) and DIPG Awareness Day, which is May 17. Dean Fachon has a Bachelors Degree in English Literature from Colgate University and a Masters Degree in Technical Communication from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He wrote technical publications for IBM and DEC, and is the author of Grand Illusion a treatise on fiat money. Dean’s wife, Wendy,, is a writer for Natural Awakenings magazine, a contributing author of Shining a Light on Grief, Volume 2, author of The Difference Maker, and host of the Story Walking Radio Hour here on D7RN.

DIPG: Eternal Hope versus Terminal Corruption

DIPG, by author Dean Fachon is the 1st book of a trilogy, covering the time from misdiagnoses to diagnosis, and from choosing and commencing treatment to being denied treatment. Through a long series of moves and counter moves Neil, Dean’s son was caught in the middle of a life and death chess game…

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