08-31-23 Critical Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness
Scarlett Lewis’ guests for this podcast are Dr. Doug Waite, developmental pediatrician, Melissa Jacobus, mother of 2 children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, and Jen Wisdahl, Chief Operating Officer of FASD United and mom to 3 with FASD. FASD is an umbrella term that encompasses a number of lifelong medical diagnoses that can occur with prenatal exposure to alcohol, even prior to recognition of pregnancy. Highly prevalent, occurring in up to 1 in 20 school aged children, but often unseen or unrecognized, Dr. Waite describes what fetal alcohol spectrum disorders are and how they can be diagnosed. Scarlett and her guests discuss the need for more awareness of FASD as well as the funding to provide training for the medical community. That training is the starting point for getting recognition of this disability. The FASD community and The Choose Love Movement can work together to offer kids the coping and social skills over and above what is taught in the homes and schools.
Learn more About Scarlett here: https://chooselovemovement.org/