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Merrie Lynn Ross

Merrie Lynn Ross’ is a rare combination of outrageous, ageless, and contagious enthusiasm. Her Life As An Improv’ method activates your creative genius to seduce your Muse. Accessing field of infinite wisdom, authenticity flows from inside-out. You are set FREE to...

Andy Lyons, MBA

02-23-13  Get (or Stay) Tuned in and Turned on~Bring back your desire-~get out of your head and back into bed!  Once upon a time… in a life time far away… the mere wisp of a thought of your beloved caused your heart to skip a beat and a quivering wave to...

Carolin Hauser

03-23-13 Author of “Blossom -Your Seven Step Journey to Healing Childhood Sexual Abuse”  If you are suffering deep unhappiness and lack of fulfillment in your relationship, and want to change all that, than you’ve definitely come to the right place. Without a doubt,...

Dianne Collins Author

01-12-13 ~Do You QuantumThink? New Thinking That Will Rock Your World  “My entire life has been devoted to the question: what is the access to creating the results we truly desire? From studying everything from physics to metaphysics I made a few life altering...
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