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08-26-20 Beyond the Body-Part 1

When Jesus came to earth with this beautiful message of salvation and happiness and joy and peace and gentlemen, 2000 years ago, What he had to share was so deep and was so profound that basically he had to do most of his teachings in parables. The Holy Spirit gave him parables to share because the teachings were so otherworldly. They were so beyond what this time-space world had heard ever before. I would say since we haven’t really heard the depth of that teaching, the full depth of it since Jesus seemed to appear, and he seemed to transmit these teachings from heaven, and from absolute perfect Oneness. And in the many centuries that have come after that we’ve had there are so many amazing religions. There’s beautiful, non-dual pathways to God. And certainly, I have come across many of them but with a course in miracles we have really, you might say almost the complete package of everything and the full transmission and the most direct pathway to God I have ever come across. And so, in the time of Jesus, he basically put the teachings in parables, you know, there was a man who had two sons, and, and then he tells the prodigal son story. And it was a beautiful sharing because it was basically teaching with the prodigal son parable that no matter what you think you’ve done in time and space, you will be welcomed home to eternal love and eternal oneness. No matter what you think you’ve done, no matter what you’ve done, as you judge it good or bad, right or wrong. You have a heavenly birthright and your reality is eternity. And you are not really a creature of time and space, but you are a spirit, but the living Christ that is a creation of God.

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