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What if There’s Nothing Wrong? Author Alison J Kay, PhD 

It is frequently said that Alison has crammed a lot of living in her 40 years. She is an experienced natural healer using energy medicine with 20+ years in the human potential movement, Buddhist meditation community, and natural healing community, while also in the yoga, personal training, vegetarian, environmental conservation & political organizing, literary, and globe trecker/international teachers’ communities, using her bachelors in English Literature/Creative Writing for her certified classroom teaching, her Masters in Public Administration/Environmental Policy, and her PhD as a Holistic Life Coach.

Throughout her life, Alison has been seeking ancient wisdom on the use of power through subtle energy practices. Part of this includes living and working at an international school in Asia for 10 years in order to thoroughly immerse herself in the Asian cultures’ understandings. On a daily basis Alison studied the practices that induce longevity, including various health practices like TCM (traditional Chinese medicine), Chinese, Thai, & Balinese herbalism, food as medicine, acupuncture, reflexology, chi gong, meditation, tai chi, yoga and Ayurveda (Indian traditional medicine) along with their holistic treatments (panchakarma) and their herbalism. She does not stop short of living a life that thrives, is joyfully exuberant and beyond “healthy” and “happy.”

She wrote four books as a result of what she learned. The first has just been released w/Hay House 1/13. Her writing is geared for Americans’ (and Westerners in general) eyes, giving them her eyes and her experience so they can see for themselves there are other options out there so that we can see what else is possible to live a life in which we’re thriving. Interesting note: Alison’s departure from the states for this decade long, the third time she has lived outside the country, began 2 months prior to 9/11 watching it unfold from Asia within the international community of expats in Asia, on through 2 years into Obama’s administration. This is a very, very interesting timing to have been “removed” from domestic living. And she uses it in her practice with her clients to their benefit.

Alison J. Kay, PhD Holistic Life Coach, has just recently returned to the States from living in Asia for the past ten years. She has been a meditation practitioner for 20 years, a meditation teacher for 11 years, is an India certified RYT-200 Ashtanga yoga teacher, an energy medicine practitioner for 15 years as a certified Usui Reiki Master, a certified Tibetan Adamantine Healing System Master, a certified Advanced Theta Healing Practitioner, an Access Consciousness BARS Facilitator, while also using elements of Chi Gong in the sessions. Also using Vibrational Medicine through Tibetan bowls and bells sound healing, and ailment specific, brain entraining sound frequencies during the sessions as “music,” and other vibrational medicine tools, Alison has designed these holistic modalities to all synergistically compliment and compound the healing effects gained through her quite pristine, high-voltage energy medicine. Alison has also been an instructor of Chi Gong for the past 10 years. Finally, to round out the mind, body spirit trinity, Alison is a Certified ACE Personal Trainer.

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