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02-03-25 Art in the Park: Creativity, Self-Esteem and Civic Pride

Guest Gail Ahlers, Founder and Executive Director, The Empowerment Factory

How do we inspire urban youth to care for their community environment? We provide them with hands-on opportunities that unleash their creativity, get them engaged with others and help them to contribute with confidence. We can also extend these opportunities to their families, which is even more confirming. The Empowerment Factory is a non-profit dedicated to helping kids of all ages develop Creativity, Self-Esteem and Civic Pride.

Gail AhlersExecutive director, Gail Ahlers, a renowned artist and sculptor, discovered her passion for art at the prestigious Rhode Island School of Design (RISD). Her expertise is in precious metals, sculpture and award-winning design. In 2014, after managing Ahlers Designs for over 20 years, Ahlers founded The Empowerment Factory with the desire to give back to her community and bring the joy of creating meaningful art to urban youth. Her signature programs provide an effective blend of art, reading literacy, social emotional learning and environmental education. In this podcast, Ahlers talks about her organization, her programs and why and how she seeks to engage a child’s whole family.


Read about The Empowerment Factory (TEF) programs –

Get involved and help the community –

Donate to TEF –

Read the Walking Journal and see what you think about Adam’s purple paper –

Watch a video about Adam Purple and his Garden of Eden –

Listen to the 2019 Story Walking interview with Gail Ahlers –

Read about DIPG: Eternal Hope Versus Terminal Corruption by Dean Fachon begin to uncover the truth about cancer –

Learn more at email or call 401 529-6830. Connect with Wendy to order copies of FiddlesticksThe Angel Heart or Storywalker Wild Plant Magic Cards.

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