01-29-25 Answers in the Stillness w/ Bill O’Herron
The outer world moves fast with distractions and our inner world can be just as fast with over 60,000 thoughts ping ponging back and forth all in a day. How do we ever find the answers to the deep questions? What about just a moment of peace and clarity?
The answers, the transformation, the integration of your spiritual awakening journey lies in … stillness.
In this episode, Bill O’Herron joins the show to discuss everything from the energies of the feminine and masculine, the 26,000 period Earth is in right now, to the importance of sitting quietly.
Links below
Join the BREATH CLUB for Free using code “LIGHTHOUSE” on the link here: https://www.spiritualitysimplified.me/offers/FWadeYUB/checkout
Overcome The Overwhelm Book: bit.ly/3OKoigp
Check out my TEDx Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjXihF1s_C4&t=917s
SHATTER Limiting Old Stories 5 Day Challenge: SHATTER Limiting Old Stories (5 Day Challenge!)
Microdosing w/ Mushrooms: https://muse-affiliate.referral-factory.com/T9YmRZ
FREE “SoulChat” with Sam: Calendly.com/SamKabert
My Book “SOUL/Life Balance”: amzn.to/3ZLAsMn
Sam’s Website: https://samkabert.com/
Connect w/ Sam on IG: https://www.instagram.com/samkabert
Try Magic Mind for 20% off: https://www.magicmind.com/SAMSOULSEEKR20
Connect w/ Bill: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bill-o-herron-3ab0bb1/
Bill’s Website: https://wholecounselingcom.wordpress.com/my-books/
Bill’s Morning Breathwork: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=shared&v=OgZicVGKV14
Bill’s Guided Meditation: https://streamable.com/k2p0nj
Video Version : https://youtu.be/lGiHc5s7eCQ?si=BzyPrUAI1mq6-ZY6